In all our work we look to embody a strong sense of narrative. Film allows us to explore using technology to bring to life urban storytelling in new and creative ways.

Tracing The Footprint short film

UTC were commissioned by Wolsey CIC to produce a short launch film for the Wolsey 550 celebrations in Ipswich UK which marked 550 years from his birth in Ipswich. Cardinal Wolsey (King Henry the 8th’s one time right hand man) towards the end of his life had built a grand college in Ipswich to compare with those now revered in in other parts of the UK.

Sadly that college was destroyed by Henry the 8th just after Cardinal Wolsey’s death. It is a hidden piece of history and our brief was to bring that story to life in around 3 minutes in a short film, no small task indeed!

Extensive historic research and detective work enabled us to piece together a vision of the lost college for the film, utilising drones, 3d modelling, animation, bespoke music score, and actors.

The film was highly praised for its production value, delivery of a complex brief and detailed research.